Tagged: workout


Discipline and a lot of time in the gym

I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, that’s quite impossible if you have 2 kids running around Last time I blogged it was about me having a hard time at the gym, but also about my results. People seem surprised by the results I was showing in just 6 months of hard work. “How did I build up so much muscle in so little time? And what did you use...


Getting back on track at the gym

I do take a lot of selfies according to some friends 🙂 Yes I am proud of myself lately. I’ve been busy with so many things lately. Work, holiday, working out, learning Mule, writing articles for a big Dutch Windows Phone blog and getting that blog redesigned as well. I neglected writing articles on my own blog, so I think it’s time for an update! Apart from not writing articles for my own...

My lose-that-weight nutrition plan – or – peanutbutter diet 0

My lose-that-weight nutrition plan – or – peanutbutter diet

Sometimes people come up to me and ask me what I did to lose weight. I always end up saying that I go to the gym and that I only eat peanutbutter. And you should see the faces 🙂 It’s actually true that I also eat peanutbutter to lose weight, but of course not only peanutbutter. Peanutbutter is good, since it doesn’t really contain sugar but contains a lot of...