Tagged: integrate


Wrapping up Integrate 2016

As you’ve probably noticed (or not), I didn’t write a blogpost on Integrate 2016 day 2, nor did I do that for day 3. I did write a Day 1 recap though. The reason is that Day 1 is traditionally a whole lot of Microsoft talk. It’s all about new and updated stuff, things that really need to get out to the world. That doesn’t mean day 2 and 3 are less interesting,...

Integrate 2016 – Day 1 Recap 1

Integrate 2016 – Day 1 Recap

I am in London at the Integrate 2016 conference, again perfectly organized by BizTalk 360. Initially Microsoft also planned a summit in Redmond, but this got cancelled, boosting the attendees at the European event. A little bit short of 400 people are attending. The most important thing I noticed is that Microsoft is finally getting its integration priorities straight. BizTalk is not going away and Microsoft is actually ramping up its...