Tagged: hl7 accelerator

Shorten the BizTalk HL7 MLLP adapter timeout of 3 seconds (MLLPFlushTimeOut) 1

Shorten the BizTalk HL7 MLLP adapter timeout of 3 seconds (MLLPFlushTimeOut)

Last week I had a problem at a client with the MLLP adapter. All messages sent through an ordered delivery MLLP Send Port were showing delays of about 3 seconds. We kept looking at the wrong places. Since the throughput of the server quadrupled after a merger, we were to focussed on performance problems, but it turned out to be a registry setting. Determined since the messages were sent to systems...


HL7: party not resolving custom namespace in BizTalk 2013

I have been busy with this the last couple of hours and really didn’t get it. We recently started a migration to BizTalk 2013 and I was just testing the development machine and came across the problem that my custom namespace was not being resolved in HL7. Problem I created a party ROB, which used a custom ADT^A04 schema with namespace http://roborop/HealthCare/HL7/2X. I changed the namespace accordingly in the BTAHL7...