Tagged: Gym


Discipline and a lot of time in the gym

I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, that’s quite impossible if you have 2 kids running around Last time I blogged it was about me having a hard time at the gym, but also about my results. People seem surprised by the results I was showing in just 6 months of hard work. “How did I build up so much muscle in so little time? And what did you use...


Getting back on track at the gym

I do take a lot of selfies according to some friends 🙂 Yes I am proud of myself lately. I’ve been busy with so many things lately. Work, holiday, working out, learning Mule, writing articles for a big Dutch Windows Phone blog and getting that blog redesigned as well. I neglected writing articles on my own blog, so I think it’s time for an update! Apart from not writing articles for my own...


The lifter

So I also hang around in the gym very often. About anytime I can. That normally adds up to 6 times a week. I mostly hit the gym right after I finish work. The workouts normally take around 1.5 hour. 90 minutes, you would normally waste watching tv, or Dumpert. At least, I know I would :). I have been lifting for about 5 years now on and off. Periods...