Category: Service Bus


RabbitMQ, my alternative for Service Bus for Windows Server

I thought of writing a nice article for Easter. So what’s more appropriate than writing about RabbitMQ? Not a bunny, but it has big ears. Close enough. A couple of months ago Microsoft announced it would no longer support the on-prem version of it’s popular Azure Service Bus Messaging, also known as Service Bus for Windows Server. Why? Because apparently everyone is moving to the cloud and hybrid is the future. This is true,...

Windows Azure AppFabric Services June CTP 0

Windows Azure AppFabric Services June CTP

So services are finally getting shape in the latest CTP release of the Windows Azure AppFabric (June CTP). You can sign up for the service, but, just as Office 365, there are limited beta places. We basically had two new releases, stumbling over each other. The first one in May, and now the second one in June. But what did this all add? The first change is, that it now...