Category: Mule ESB

Open source middleware: is Mule ESB the Next Big Thing? 15

Open source middleware: is Mule ESB the Next Big Thing?

Some of you may or may not know that I have been busy with a Mule ESB implementation last year. Partly because I had some time in which I could help a client and partly because it never hurts to dive into a new technology and see for yourself what it’s like. It never hurts to know what else is on the market, especially in open-source-land. Contents Getting lost in an open...

Mule ESB: Could not register server: 0

Mule ESB: Could not register server:

This error can also be found in Mule’s own documentation. But I am just writing this up for myself, because I ran into the error several times already. Could not register server: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Delete or rename the truststore.jks file. Located in your Mule installation folder, e.g. C:Program FilesMule.mule.agent Restart the Mule service Go into MMC and retry to register the...

Reading cookies in Mule ESB 4

Reading cookies in Mule ESB

If Mulesoft is good in anything it’s the lack of examples and documentation. I find myself busy with trial and error programming quite often. Now: reading a cookie from a HTTP request from an HTTP connector. So what I do is sending out an HTTP-request and get a response, which contains a cookie (e.g. session id). I have to use the value of the cookie in all the following request I am making to...


Mule ESB: Reading data from a JDBC endpoint Stored Procedure call

As some of you may know I have also been busy with some open source middleware, specifically Mule ESB, by Mulesoft. The first thing I noticed was that there’s really not that much information to be found online for all the cases you encounter. It makes starting development harder than at first glance. Added to the fact that I had some shortcomings when it comes to Java, as a .Net...