Category: Technical


Enable Basic Authentication with BizTalk Deployment Framework

I was having a problem with getting Basic Authentication into BizTalk’s automatic deployment. It’s not something you want to have your administrators do after each deployment, especially not if you have many web services deployed. So I needed a solution for this, but was not succeeding online for my BizTalk specific case. There’s just no way to do it out-of-the-box with the BizTalk Deployment Framework. There’s a pretty easy way...


RabbitMQ, my alternative for Service Bus for Windows Server

I thought of writing a nice article for Easter. So what’s more appropriate than writing about RabbitMQ? Not a bunny, but it has big ears. Close enough. A couple of months ago Microsoft announced it would no longer support the on-prem version of it’s popular Azure Service Bus Messaging, also known as Service Bus for Windows Server. Why? Because apparently everyone is moving to the cloud and hybrid is the future. This is true,...

Using and abusing the Compose JSON action in Logic Apps 2

Using and abusing the Compose JSON action in Logic Apps

So that Compose JSON action in Azure Logic Apps is kinda under-documented. At least, I had to figure it out all by myself, but when you get the hang of it, it is actually quite simple. The action accepts JSON and only JSON. So don’t you dare to enter invalid JSON. You will be punished by a Logic App that you can’t save. Compose JSON So the action is meant to compose...

Increasing BizTalk map performance by mapping in C# 0

Increasing BizTalk map performance by mapping in C#

I have been struggling with some performance issues with mappings last year. The received messages could get up to 200 MB and a lot of data had to be looked up from other records in that same request message during the mapping. The only way to improve performance was by using XSLT, on which I wrote a post last year. Eventually even that was not enough and I had to resort to using C#....


Automatically generate c# serialization classes from XSDs

So I have put my first code sample up on MSDN’s Code Gallery. The code sample demonstrates a way to automatically generate serialization classes from XSD schemas using a Text Template (T4 Template). There’s no need to run XSD.exe each time, instead you can run the Custom Tool of the Text Template and have all serialization classes generated of your XSDs. Click here to navigate to the code sample. Copy of the...


BizTalk Administration Console – Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

Just a reminder in my own online error log 🙂 I got this error for the first time in my life and came across some solutions online. If you try to expand the Applications node (or refresh your configuration in general), you’ll end up getting the following error: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints. The solution is simple: Restart the Distributed Transaction Coordinator


Wrapping up Integrate 2016

As you’ve probably noticed (or not), I didn’t write a blogpost on Integrate 2016 day 2, nor did I do that for day 3. I did write a Day 1 recap though. The reason is that Day 1 is traditionally a whole lot of Microsoft talk. It’s all about new and updated stuff, things that really need to get out to the world. That doesn’t mean day 2 and 3 are less interesting,...


Microsoft Flow – my first IFTTT flow

When Microsoft Flow was first announced I was not that impressed. I didn’t know exactly what I could get out of it and I didn’t really look into the product, until I saw Charles Lamanna’s talk at Integrate 2016. His talk was very inspiring and above all, it triggered me on actually using Microsoft Flow. Charles triggered me with one simple example: his automation of reviewing job applications. Instead of having to...

Integrate 2016 – Day 1 Recap 1

Integrate 2016 – Day 1 Recap

I am in London at the Integrate 2016 conference, again perfectly organized by BizTalk 360. Initially Microsoft also planned a summit in Redmond, but this got cancelled, boosting the attendees at the European event. A little bit short of 400 people are attending. The most important thing I noticed is that Microsoft is finally getting its integration priorities straight. BizTalk is not going away and Microsoft is actually ramping up its...


Referencing external assemblies in Azure Functions

I have previously blogged about Azure Functions and the potential of these small, stand-alone functions. It is a welcome addition to the Microsoft’s micro services vision. Function Apps are about the smallest amount of work you can do and it’s all easily exposed through an API. You can code Node.JS if you want, but if you use C#, you have the entire .Net framework at your disposal – not everything out-of-the box...