Category: Muscle & Fitness


The test results are in and they are… actually rather ok

This morning I had my InBody checkup done to check the December damage. I must say, I was quite surprised by the results. It looked better than I expected. A total score of 90 out of 100. Quite subjective, but still happy with it 🙂 My blood pressure was almost by the book, 127/83. My blood pressure has always been OK, also when I am pretty stressed out. So not too...

A diet is not a temporary thing 0

A diet is not a temporary thing

A lot of people know me as the integration person, but there’s more to life than just integration (IMHO there is at least). You can find me in the gym several times a week and if you need some advice on food, you can always ask me 🙂 I notice a lot of people are saying they are “going to diet” to get rid of those extra kilos, especially now,...


Fatloss & maintaining muscle part 3: Weight training back & triceps

This article is part a bigger post: My bodybuilding routine: Fatloss & maintaining muscle. Today part #3: Weight training back & triceps. My back was one of my weaker parts and it still isn’t my strongest bodypart. Partly because I have probably neglected it too long in the beginning and partly because it’s probably never going to be my strongest. I train my triceps when I do my back. A lot...


Building a body: A world of ups and downs

I have my ups and downs, as does everybody. I always have an 8-10 week period I can go as hell at the gym with insane progress and then I have a period – probably of the same length – when I am just going to the gym to workout. My so called “maintenance mode”. I go to the gym and train less hard, don’t stick to a food regime and of course mainly gain...


Fatloss & maintaining muscle part 2: Weight training chest & biceps

This article is part a bigger post: My bodybuilding routine: Fatloss & maintaining muscle. Today part #2: Weight training chest & biceps. I can only but guess that these are the two most popular muscle groups when it comes to men. Chest and biceps. Mainly because the muscle groups are easy to train, but also just because. Because it’s the muscle groups everybody seems to find most important. Every muscle group...

Core exercises 1

Fatloss & maintaining muscle part 1: Core basics

This article is part of my previous post: My bodybuilding routine: Fatloss & maintaining muscle. Today part #1: Core exercise. I tend to start off most training sessions with some core exercises. Core exercises are a great way to strengthen (1) your lower back and (2) abdominal area. It prevents me from doing extra ab exercise as well, since I can hit them during this workout. The reason why I start off with...


My bodybuilding routine: Fatloss & maintaining muscle

You can find me at the gym 6 days a week. And when I’m at the gym, I am probably there for almost 2 hours. It seems like a long time, also it was me who said you have to hit the gym short and hard. But I don’t just do weight training in those 2 hours. It’s a complete workout. Right now I am trying to maintain my muscle and lose...


Discipline and a lot of time in the gym

I spend 2 hours a day in the gym, that’s quite impossible if you have 2 kids running around Last time I blogged it was about me having a hard time at the gym, but also about my results. People seem surprised by the results I was showing in just 6 months of hard work. “How did I build up so much muscle in so little time? And what did you use...


Getting back on track at the gym

I do take a lot of selfies according to some friends 🙂 Yes I am proud of myself lately. I’ve been busy with so many things lately. Work, holiday, working out, learning Mule, writing articles for a big Dutch Windows Phone blog and getting that blog redesigned as well. I neglected writing articles on my own blog, so I think it’s time for an update! Apart from not writing articles for my own...

My lose-that-weight nutrition plan – or – peanutbutter diet 0

My lose-that-weight nutrition plan – or – peanutbutter diet

Sometimes people come up to me and ask me what I did to lose weight. I always end up saying that I go to the gym and that I only eat peanutbutter. And you should see the faces 🙂 It’s actually true that I also eat peanutbutter to lose weight, but of course not only peanutbutter. Peanutbutter is good, since it doesn’t really contain sugar but contains a lot of...