Monthly Archive: January 2017
This morning I had my InBody checkup done to check the December damage. I must say, I was quite surprised by the results. It looked better than I expected. A total score of 90 out of 100. Quite subjective, but still happy with it 🙂 My blood pressure was almost by the book, 127/83. My blood pressure has always been OK, also when I am pretty stressed out. So not too...
I have been struggling with some performance issues with mappings last year. The received messages could get up to 200 MB and a lot of data had to be looked up from other records in that same request message during the mapping. The only way to improve performance was by using XSLT, on which I wrote a post last year. Eventually even that was not enough and I had to resort to using C#....
So I have put my first code sample up on MSDN’s Code Gallery. The code sample demonstrates a way to automatically generate serialization classes from XSD schemas using a Text Template (T4 Template). There’s no need to run XSD.exe each time, instead you can run the Custom Tool of the Text Template and have all serialization classes generated of your XSDs. Click here to navigate to the code sample. Copy of the...
I had a colleague rant about the fact that new year’s resolutions are stupid, which they are. Resolutions are stupid, because they are just… resolutions. In most cases they are not even S.M.A.R.T. Most people don’t even stick to them most of the time. So why bother? Instead of new year’s resolutions, I would like to approach them as goals. That way I am supposed to define them SMART 😉 Since goals...