Monthly Archive: April 2016
I have previously blogged about Azure Functions and the potential of these small, stand-alone functions. It is a welcome addition to the Microsoft’s micro services vision. Function Apps are about the smallest amount of work you can do and it’s all easily exposed through an API. You can code Node.JS if you want, but if you use C#, you have the entire .Net framework at your disposal – not everything out-of-the box...
Although I see many Logic Apps triggered by events like schedules or external events like a Twitter message, it’s also possible to trigger it by an HTTP call. A nice feature, but it would be even better if we were able to get the definition in the Logic App as well, so we know what properties we can use in our flow. And you know what? Yes we can! Let’s start by creating an easy Logic App...
I have been looking at Azure Logic Apps since last year, but I couldn’t find a purpose for it, except retweeting a tweet. I couldn’t find a real world scenario for it. It was just too limited. There are connectors, but what should I do with the message? Maybe a BizTalk mapping or fire a business rule? And you need BizTalk Services for that. I don’t know about BizTalk Services, but...
A lot of stuff has been announced during the Build Conference this year. A lot of exciting stuff for developers, especially if you are into everything Azure. One of the things I am pretty psyched about is Azure Functions. It seems so arbitrary, but it’s something I – as an integrator – use daily. Just think of all your helper functions (methods) you use in BizTalk, or any other application...