Monthly Archive: November 2015
Last week I wrote a blog post about slowing down BizTalk using throttling. This method can be good, but it’s also dependant of other factors, like how busy is your machine? Are there any other processes throttling? How severe is the impact? Different circumstances can influence throttling behavior. So it needs some testing, also on your production machine. It turns out the method is not as easy as it seemed. If we want to make...
We encountered a problem when deploying Business Rules on a colleagues development environment, while it wasn’t happening on all the other development environment. We are using the BizTalk Deployment Framework, but the problem will also ocurr when you are not using the Deployment Framework. The error that occurred was: Deploying rule set ‘<RULESET>’ version 1.8… Failed: Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleEngineDeploymentDBConfigurationMismatchException: The database “BizTalkDb:BizTalkRuleEngineDb” associated with the deployment driver does not match the database...
BizTalk by itself is not the fastest message broker there is. It relies heavily on SQL Server instead of in-memory queues. BizTalk isn’t slow, far from it, but there are other systems, like Mule or WSO2, that will process messages even faster. You will loose some control, but that’s the trade-of you make if you need to process messages the fastest way possible. But speed isn’t everything, especially since you rely on the capabilities of...