Monthly Archive: February 2014
Remember the past, when TV series didn’t include all these famous actors? Right… I am talking about series like The Sopranos, The Wire and Band of Brothers – all HBO mind you. At the time of the TV-series breakthrough, at the beginning of the zero’s (2000 that is). Now that TV-series have established their value, competition is increasing. Not only traditional television is making series now, but also Netflix is joining the game. And...
So, Windows Phone App Studio has been updated. I haven’t used it really. I just tried it, somewhere in the beginning, but you couldn’t really do anything more than put a list on the screen, but that’s about 2 years ago now. I decided to see what it looks like now and try an make and app. My knowledge has shifted from Windows Phone to Windows itself last year and...
high resolution life, I am ditching it. Geez, does Google do a bad job when it comes to scaling. Everything becomes blurry. And I won’t even talk about Chrome’s memory consumption… I am using a Lenovo T540p right now and it has 2880 x 1620 pixels. Windows Store apps look great, since they automatically scale with the resolution, so they always look the same, only smoother. But on the desktop...
I started working out probably around 5 years ago. 5 years of working out on and off, not that serious at all. The first half of 2013 was definitely time off. It took a good look in the mirror and a change of gym to get me started again. Now, approximately 5 months later, I’ve learned quite a lot about working out and nutrition. Out of all the good advice...
I am writing this post in Word and publishing through it as well. I didn’t even know that was possible. I used to use Live Writer a lot when writing blogposts, but it seems it hasn’t been updated in a while. 2012 it says, but it sure as hell doesn’t work like it should in Windows 8. I find it easier to write my post in a desktop application like...
So I also hang around in the gym very often. About anytime I can. That normally adds up to 6 times a week. I mostly hit the gym right after I finish work. The workouts normally take around 1.5 hour. 90 minutes, you would normally waste watching tv, or Dumpert. At least, I know I would :). I have been lifting for about 5 years now on and off. Periods...
Well. It has been some time since I last blogged about anything (besides the occasional too long Facebook post). I want to revamp my BizTalk blog, but not only blog about BizTalk, since I think for BizTalk nearly everything is already out there. Sooo, this blog won’t be about BizTalk. Well, not only about BizTalk. Expect other things as well, Azure, Node.js etc. I will just blog about anything that...